Threats to Internal and External Validity
Sean Delevan
31 July 2015
Validity refers to the degree in
which accurate assumptions can be made merely by the results of a research
study. Internal validity is described as “validity of the inference that the
independent and dependent variables are causally related” (Christensen et al,
2011, pg.2/25). Comparatively, external validity is explained to be the
determination regarding whether the “causal relationship holds over people,
settings, treatment variable, measurement variables, and time” (Christensen et
al, 2011, pg.3/25). Although each are present in research and are necessary to
ensure reliability and validity are achieved, there are annotatable threats
associated with both internal and external validity that have to be considered
during the research process. The purpose of this assignment is to present, in
the information to follow, a chart that serves as a master list of threats
associated with both internal and external validity in research.
Internal Validity-
“How well and experiment is done and if it avoids confounding variables”
(Campbell, 1986).
External Validity-
“validity of generalized inferences in research based on experiments”
(Calder, Phillips, & Tybout, 1982). The extent to which results can be
generalized to apply to others.
Threat 1: History –
Any past event that can produce the outcome during a study prior to post
testing of the dependent variable. “history threat exists in this one-group
design if an event occurs (other than the treatment) that can affect the
dependent variable” (Christensen et al. 2011). This includes differential history which occurs when
one group experiences the changes of the history event but the other group in
the study does not.
Threat 1: Population Validity- A
testing sample may not actually represent that larger population similar to
research participants. The accessible population may be substantially lower
than the target population which will skew testing results.
Threat 2: Maturation-
Changes in internal conditions such as “age, learning, hunger, boredom, and
hunger that are not related to specific external events” (Christensen et al.
2011). Maturation changes are associated with the individual and are realized
as biological and/or psychological processes that unwittingly change the
outcome of the research.
Threat 2: Ecological Validity-
“The generalizability of results of a study across different settings or from
one set of environmental conditions to another” (Christensen et al., 2011, pg18/25).
Lab experiments don’t generally produce a generalized assumptions for non-lab
Threat 3: Instrumentation-
“Changes that occur over time, during the course of the study, in the
measurement of the dependent variable” (Christensen et al., 2011, pg.12/25). Research
that requires human observance is most likely to suffer from this type of
Threat 3: Temporal Validity-
Testing results’ ability to be generalized across an extended period of time.
Simply stated, this is a threat if the findings of the study are not held as
true over an extended period of time.
Threat 4: Testing-
Taking similar tests more than once can change the overall outcome as
participants become more familiar with the process. Repetitive tests can
desensitize participants and alter the genuine outcome, thus resulting in
unreliable results.
Threat 4: Treatment Variation
Validity- When the generalizability of study results
vary due to different testing administrators. One administrator might be more
apt to help participants than another which then changes the reliability and
validity of the study altogether.
Threat 5: Regression-
Tendency of extreme scores to regress toward a more average score during
retesting. When initial tests generate poor results, retaking the same test
would expect participants to score higher.
Threat 5: Outcome Validity-
“Refers to the generalizability of results across different but related
dependent variables” (Christensen et al., 2011, pg.19/25). This measures the
same effect that an independent variable has on various dependent variables.
Threat 6: Attrition- This
occurs when participants drop out of a study. “Some individuals do not
complete a research study for a variety of reasons, such as failure to show
up at the scheduled time and place or not participating in all phases of the
study” (Christensen et al., 2011, pg.14/25). This is most common in
psychological and behavioral studies.
Threat 7: Selection- This
threat is present when a differential selection procedure is used for placing
participants in certain study groups. Groups in a study might possess
different characteristics such as age, ability, or gender, that might affect
the results.
Campbell, D. T. (1986). Relabeling internal and
external validity for applied social scientists. New Directions for Program
Evaluation, 1986(31),
Calder, B. J., Phillips, L. W., & Tybout,
A. M. (1982). The concept of external validity. Journal of Consumer Research,
Christensen, R., Burke, J., & Turner, L.
(2011). Research methods, design, and
analysis, Eleventh Edition. Pearson Education.
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